Friday, March 13, 2009

the latest

This week --
Hand-carved stamps have piqued my interest, inspired by Geninne's Art Blog @

Spent way too much money this week buying up oodles of crafting supplies, albeit ones that I always think I am in dire need of...
I can't resist!
Purchased a set of 24+12 Prismacolor markers, beading tools & findings, the most beautiful lapis lazuli beads, a set of Speedball linoleum cutters, 63 Staedtler erasers (for $11.49!!), and currently in search of an array of multi-colored stamp pads.

Purchases made but cannot be used or played with until AFTER THE M.F. MCAT

But in the meantime...

My 2 very first hand-carved stamps made out of Staedtler erasers (thus explaining my purchase of 63 such items) using an exacto knife (thus awaiting the shipment of my newly purchased linoleum cutters...)

Fashioned a darling little bookmark for one of my favorite residents (and #1 fan of my music!) at the convalescent home.
(Currently reading: John Steinbeck's Tortilla Flat)

Hand-carved stamp, DecoColor paint pens

Complete with nifty little wood bead purchased in Shanghai

The crafty life is good :)
The MCAT life... not so good
(I'm working on it!)